About Us
Let’s Do this ‘Highway Pe Charcha! Here Electric Mobility is travelling the shortest distance between ‘Investment’ and ‘Monetization’ with Ease of Doing Business in form of ‘Utilization’ of charging infra on highways and hitting its breakeven target in 3 years.
Let’s do those ‘EV pe Charcha’ that we can take out of city without fear of charging and without heavy price tags to buy. They are as good as Diesel / Petrol cars as we travel on India’s 1st 500 km E-highway from Jaipur – Delhi – Agra.

Ravi Shankar Prasad
Minister of Law And Justice of India

Amitabh Kant
Chief Executive Officer Of The NITI Aayog

Piyush Goyal
Minister of Railways of India

Nirmala Sitharaman
Minister of Finance of India

Nitin Gadkari
Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Late Shri Bipin Rawat
Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) of India

Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi
Chairperson NDMC
MP - New Delhi

Shri R.C. Bhargava
ormer C.E.O and current chairman of Maruti Suzuki
Former I.A.S. Joining via VC


Mr. Amit Bhardwaj
Senior Research Officer (Transport), NITI Aayog, Govt. of India

Mr. Anil Srivastava
Principal Consultant & Mission Director Mission on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage, NITI Aayog

Mr. Sajid Mubashir
R&D National Automotive Board Department of Heavy Industry (DHI) Department of Science & Technology Government of India

Mr. Pankaj Batra
Project Director SARI/EI, IRADe

Panel Discussion
EV 2 W/3W
Electric 2W & 3W Potential Vs Accessibility’ from “EV Pe Charcha”
To be announced soon
2W & 3W are first legs of E-mobility going out of metro cities with NHEV. Each car/bus charging station also serves like an E-hub rural surroundings with 20 app based 2W & 3W available for subscription and sales both. Ease of Doing Business cuts the loop short of a rural buyer to go to metro or a dealer, NHEV stations brings everything like EVs, test drives, subsidy, finance, insurance, charger setup, total cost of ownership and per km expense within 50 km radius of rural buyers and users for early adoption in rural demography accessed by these new E-Highways.

Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi
Hon’ble Minister of State MSME, Govt of India

Mr. Sohinder Singh Gill
CEO, Hero Electric, Director General SMEV

Mr. Mahesh Babu
CEO, Mahindra Electric

Mr. Nikunj Sanghi
Member of NHEV Working Group Chairman, Automotive Skill Development Council

Mr.Alok Ray
Assistant Director- Operations SMEV

Mr. Anil Chhikara
CEO, Bluebolt Chairman, Startup India Foundation,

Dr.Pravat Kumar Nahak
Managing Director, Nahak Motors Pvt. Limited

Mr.Pratik Dasgupta
Chief Operating Officer, Green Valley Energy Ventures Pvt. Limited

CA Samkit Jitendra Shah
Co-Founder & Director, Jitendra New EV Tech Pvt. Limited

Mr.Irfan Khan
Founder & CEO E-BIKEGO Pvt. Limited
Tech Trial Run Sponsors
NHEV Partners & Suppliers